If you are interested in applying for a place in our Nursery, please come and see us or give us a call on 02476 267760. We have the following open events or you can contact the school for more details:

Acorn Class

Growing Brighter Futures

‘Mighty Oaks from little Acorns grow’

We were very excited to have opened our Nursery provision in September 2022. It has always been our aim to serve our local community and to ensure that children are supported in their learning as early as possible.

Our Nursery is limited to 26 places and children can start the term after their 3rd birthday (terms start September, January or April). we offer morning sessions from 8.30am – 11.30am or afternoon sessions from 12:30pm – 3:30pm. We also offer full days from 8:30am – 3:30pm with a lunchtime provision which is paid for separately to your 15 or 30 hour funded sessions. More details are outlined in the agreement below and new starter pack below:

New Starter Pack EYFS 2024-2025

Nursery Application Form and Parent Contract

Parental declaration form September 2024

Starting EYFS Checklist

We already have a waiting list so please make sure your child’s name is on the list if you would like a place. Application forms are available on the school website (link above) or from the office, once completed these need to be directly returned to the school, places are allocated in accordance to our Nursery Admissions policy.

Our Nursery

Our Nursery pupils, who can join in the term after their third birthday, are happy, confident individuals who are encouraged to communicate with staff and peers and work harmoniously with one-another in a nurturing environment. We believe children learn best when learning is linked in a meaningful way. Our theme-based curriculum is designed to capture children’s interests, excite their imagination and provide first hand experiences to help children make sense of the world around them. We are play based, encouraging children to follow their own interests with a focus on core skills such as communication.

Our Learning Journey


At Lower Farm we believe that having an enjoyment of stories is fundamental to learning, we therefore provide lots of opportunities to engage with a range of stories from all over the world. We provide a wealth of opportunities to engage with texts, fiction and nonfiction, teaching early reading skills and providing a range of writing opportunities for children to learn how to express themselves in writing for a range of purposes and audiences. We have print rich environments and provide lots of writing materials in our environment both inside and out.

Children in Nursery will enjoy learning Nursery Rhymes and practising their listening skills through exciting activities. Rhymes sensitize a child to units of sounds that words are comprised of. They help children to remember words and use their auditory memory skills. Children will also practise writing letters using our ‘Squiggle While You Wiggle’ programme which will support their mark making as well as begin introducing letter shapes. When children are considered ready, usually the term before they begin Reception, they will start to learn set 1 sounds from Read, Write Inc in a fun, engaging and practical way. This will be shared with parents too so they can begin to practise these at home.

For more information about phonics in Nursery please take a look at this RWInc Nursery video.


Prime Areas

We use the ‘Development Matters (2020)’ and ‘Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2021)’ in our early years classrooms. This non-statutory guidance material supports practitioners in implementing the statutory requirements of the EYFS. The EYFS statutory framework is available here:


Children in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) engage in 3 prime areas of learning and 4 specific areas of learning, building on what they already know and can do. The Characteristics of Effective Learning and the prime and specific areas of Learning and Development are all interconnected.

The Characteristics of Effective Learning focus on Playing and exploring, active learning, creating and thinking critically.

The prime areas are fundamental, work together, and move through to support development in all other areas.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

At Lower Farm Academy we aim to give all children the very best opportunities to develop a sense of identity in a secure and safe environment.

We ensure our pupils:

  • Have high self esteem- a vital component in being able to be a successful life- long learner.
  • To enjoy being challenged, being able to take measured risks.
  • To relish being thinkers and problem solvers.
  • To be able to work independently or as an effective team player.

All adults lead by example, respecting one another, valuing different views and establishing relationships. We enable the children to develop a positive attitude to learning- making it irresistible.

Communication and Language

Effective communication is central to every child’s education. We enable children to express their views, needs and feelings by interacting with others. At Lower Farm we offer a wealth of opportunities to enable children to speak and listen effectively through first hand experiences.

Physical Development

At Lower Farm we believe that children should:

  • Respect their bodies:
  • Be aware of the benefits of being fit and healthy
  • Be given opportunities to develop their physical skills, both gross motor and fine motor.
  • Know how to look after all aspects of their health including their teeth.

Skills include co-ordination, control, manipulation and movement; we encourage learning to take place both inside and outside.

Specific Areas

These areas focus on essential skills and knowledge for children to participate successfully in society.


The teaching of mathematics is practical and linked to real life experiences. Children will learn about the concept of number, numerical patterns and other mathematical concepts such as shape and pattern. Children will learn about pattern, sequencing, sorting, solving problems and making connections, all in a very rich and stimulating environment which encourages enjoyment, practising and exploration. We encourage children to be able to think about their findings to ensure that they have concrete understanding of key concepts. We follow the ‘White Rose’ Nursery planning.

Understanding the World

Understanding the world around you is a fundamental part of our curriculum.

At Lower Farm we develop enquiry skills that motivate children to discover the diversity of our world with wonder and excitement. They will learn about technology, how people, places and things change over time and how to use a variety of tools safely. We learn about British values such as democracy, the importance of having rules, about mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith. We also learn about SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural development) Where we learn about how to share with others and the importance of caring for ourselves, others and or environment.

Expressive Arts and Design

Role play, imaginative play, music, art and dance all enable children to make links between areas of learning and extend their understanding of our world. Being creative, using our senses, experiencing a wide range of activities, exploring materials, artefacts, movement- helps children to be innovative, imaginative, to communicate ideas and feelings, to make connections and to solve problems.

Do come and see our Nursery in action and see for yourself what a happy and purposeful atmosphere for learning there is.

We would love to show you around.